Informativa Privacy
(Privacy Policy)

Informativa ai sensi della normativa svizzera LPD (FADP) del 1/9/2023, ed europea ex art. 13 del Regolamento 2016/679/UE (GDPR)

La LPD (FADP) ed il GDPR proteggono i diritti e le libertà fondamentali delle persone fisiche, in particolare il diritto alla protezione dei dati personali. La nostra azienda ritiene che il diritto alla riservatezza sia da proteggere con la maggior cura possibile, si impegna perciò per realizzare al meglio gli obiettivi che la normativa europea pone in materia.

Nel raccogliere, trattare e conservare le informazioni inerenti tutti coloro che si rivolgono a noi, operiamo tenendo presente che i principi sui quali tali attività devono basarsi sono correttezza, liceità e trasparenza e che nessuna informazione che non sia realmente necessaria deve essere trattata o conservata.

Effettuiamo i trattamenti utilizzando strumenti elettronici ed informatici e conserviamo i dati utilizzando supporti cartacei, elettronici, informatici e di ogni tipologia utile, collocandoli in, Svizzera, Europa o altri Paesi che offrono adeguate garanzie di protezione riconosciute dalla LPD.

Tutti gli strumenti ed i supporti utilizzati sono protetti da misure tecniche e organizzative per garantire un’adeguata sicurezza dei dati personali.  Ai sensi della LPD e dell'articolo 13 del GDPR, pertanto, portiamo alla sua attenzione le seguenti informazioni:


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.

​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.


​Capichurri take away & the lab with registered office at ​Via Industria 5, 6850 Mendrisio, in its capacity as data controller (“Data Controller”) hereby publishes the following Cookie Policy for the use of cookies on or through the website accessible at the URL: (“Site”). Reference should be made to the privacy policy statement for all issues not covered by the Cookie Policy.

By using the site, users agree to the installation of the “first-party” or “third-party” cookies listed below on their devices.

If all or some cookies are disabled, some of the site’s functions might not operate correctly.